The keys to choosing your SEO provider!

Use a web agency that has an optimised website, referenced and appears on search engines, like did It must have a personalised communication strategy to meet your expectations.


E-commerce website

More visitors means more content optimization.


Corporate blog

Designing a successful blog with unique web writing.


Mobile application

Referencing your mobile site means setting up an advertising campaign.

Competent agency

In search of a web agency

Before contacting a web agency experienced in SEO, SEA and local SEO, first analyse your needs and set your goals. The agency must have a good reputation for its services.

Advertising agency

Advertising agency

Invention and creativity are the strengths of an expert agency. Choose the pros.

Web marketing agency

With many years of experience, its role is to boost the digital communication of your e-commerce site.

Search engine optimisation agency

Search engine optimisation agency

Its presence on search engines is the first criterion qualifying that it masters its field well.


Turnkey websites

The main role of a webdesigner is to improve the brand image of a company while implementing his skills in computer graphics. Then, his mission is to create the logo and the graphic charter of the company.

Web ergonomics

A website without a usability analysis is detrimental to a company’s future.

Responsive design

Responsive design

Adapting the display of your website to the screen is important nowadays.

Mobile Friendly

If you want to have a website adapted to any type of terminal, Friendly Mobile is the solution.

Search engine optimization

First on Google

Having an SEO optimised website means appearing on the first page of Google. To make sure this happens, feed your blog with quality, keyword-rich articles.


Local SEO

More localized search and more targeted SEO, your site’s traffic will be boosted. Find out more!


Google Ads

Better known, Google Ads allows you to generate more traffic by developing advertisements.

Social media

Social media

To achieve your online marketing, manage your company’s reputation through social media.

Influencer marketing

Adopt the right marketing strategy for your business.

Marketing automation

Generate more leads for your responsive design site.

Video Marketing

The ideal SEO to attract more leads.


CRM adapted to your needs

Several CRM software packages are available on the web. Before making a choice, you must consider certain points, such as the ability of the chosen software to evolve, the security of your data, the cost of the software, the identification of your target. Among them :

Divalto Weavy

Microsoft Dynamics 365



CRM adapted to your needs


Switch your website to HTTPS

Ask the communication agency of your choice to install an SSL certificate on your website. The security of your data and your exchanges is essential, so switching to HTTPS is an obligation in order to protect your website from hackers.

Manage your online reputation


Manage your online reputation

Take into account all the negative and positive remarks received about your company online. However, it is necessary to go back and analyse the flaws. Read all the comments on social networks, on blogs concerning your e-commerce site.

There is no need to lose hope, the comments will help you set new goals and not make the same mistakes again. Adopt the best communication strategy to obtain a positive result.